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Select Board Meeting Minutes 3/4/13
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 3/4/13

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Scott Jenssen, Chairperson, Muriel Lazzarini and Wayne Burkhart
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Susan Gallant for the Monterey News, Pat Mielke, Dan Moriarity, Stanley Ross and Shawn Tryon

The board met with Fire Chief, Shawn Tryon to review the following FY14 budget items:
  • Fire Department expenses (line #220):  Shawn explained that some of the reasons for requesting more money are that the internet will be going up a minimum of $50/month, the fuel used in the trucks up until now has not been paid for by the department (the highway has provided it complimentary) and this will change, software licensing for reporting to the state will increase by approximately $1,000, and diesel fuel usage and the cost to purchase have increased.  Shawn noted that the glass in engine 7 need to be replaced as they are cracked and fogging up but he did not put in for this increase.  The gas & fuel costs to the department will be about $2,000/year.  This line item covers fees and dues to Western MA EMS Assoc, the Fire Chief’s Assoc, building rental, maintenance of the equipment (testing & certification), new replacement of gloves, gear, cleaning supplies, broken items, etc, medical equipment, and phone/internet.
  • Building rental – the Town currently gives the Fire Company $5,000/yr to use the building and they pay the phone bill, no other utilities.  Shawn stated that the $5,000 is no longer covering the use and it is costing the Fire Company $1,000.  Shawn surveyed the surrounding towns to see how much they charge and found that they start at $4k and go up to $12/yr plus all the surrounding towns cover all of the utilities for the building (which Monterey does not). Shawn proposed that the Town pay a $4,000 yearly rental fee plus $6,000/yr for utilities.  The Board agreed to this.  The Board requested a breakdown of expenses paid.  
  • Compensation (line #222): Stan stated that of the $76,500 allocated for FY13, $49,900 has been spent and there is 4 months remaining in the FY.  Shawn is requesting a $15k increase to this line item.  The Board noted that Monterey is the highest paid department in this area and is a volunteer department.  Scott inquired how we should justify this request when the surrounding towns do the same amount of work or more for no pay.  Shawn stated that when this new system to pay the firemen (not volunteer, it is on-call) was instituted it was based on 50 calls per year and the number of calls has increased each year.  Last year’s budget was $76,500 and the department went over by $8,000.  Part of this year’s increase includes a raise for the Chief as he believes that he is severely underpaid for the amount of work necessary ($2,400/yr plus training and call pay).  Stan agreed with Muriel’s previous suggestion ofsuggested going to an annual stipend for all firemen based on a 75% attendance at calls. Shawn stated that when the real estate tax abatement was offered it was based on attendance.  Scott suggested doing away with the 2 hour minimum and this way the Chief would send home additional firemen not necessary at a call.  Shawn inquired as to how the Board can defend cutting the pay to the firemen when raises are being proposed for the employees and the WMH is requesting $30k.  Wayne weighed in that the way we pay civil servants is very uneven and underappreciated for the work being done (having to go to calls in the middle of the night, etc) and changing the current pay scale to the models being suggested will cause a major management problem and resentment.  Muriel stated that the suggestions to cut back on the pay is because there is such a difference when compared to surrounding towns which is how we have justified all of the other paid positions in town.  Shawn argued that when our firemen respond to calls they are losing money at their full time jobs because the work stops for them to respond.  Wayne noted that one comparison that should be added to the survey is response time; Shawn stated that right now his company is out of the garage within five minutes of being toned out.  Shawn noted that we should also include the demographics and number of trucks that are run in the survey of surrounding towns.  Shawn is suggesting that he be paid $10,400/year – flat and will no longer be paid the hourly pay for calls and training and no raises to the hourly rate.  Shawn was asked to break down the pay proposal for next week.  Dan asked if the Department could hold off on the boat until next year and only request half the number of packs.  Shawn stated you either do all or none of the packs and provided justification for this.  Shawn agreed that he can wait one year for the replacement of the boat.
Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Pat Mielke, Treasurer came in to discuss what the Board would like to do with 2 foreclosed properties, one off of Eaton Rd and one on Lake View Ave. The Town now owns these properties and can sell them if they so choose or keep them.  As a courtesy the Town can offer it to the abutters first prior to putting out to auction.  A motion was made to reaffirm that the Treasurer is in charge of the disposing of tax takings.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.  The Board will review the documents provided and discuss what the best option is for the Town and will let Pat know.
2.  The Board and Finance Committee discussed the following items regarding the FY14 proposed budget:
a.  The Accountant has advised the Finance Committee that the Town should have at least 2 months of the total budget available in free cash without having to borrow.
b.  Line 141, Principal Assessor – It was proposed to cut this salary request from a $5,000 increase to a $2,000 increase.
c.  Scott & Muriel proposed to remove the additional line item for $1,000 for when the Treasurer elected becomes certified.  This was approved unanimously.
d.  Scott and Muriel proposed to remove the newly created line #133 for a Temporary Finance Assistant which was discussed last week.  This was approved unanimously.  The Board agreed that a Temporary Finance Assistant is not necessary at this time.
e.  Scott & Muriel proposed to level fund the Town Counsel expenses line item.  This line item covers any legal work beyond the normal scope of town items, i.e. lawsuits, etc.  This was approved unanimously.
f.  M. Noe suggested speaking with the Accountant to see what he uses line # 158 for, when the previous Accountant was here she advised it was used to purchase law books which we no longer do as it is all available online at
g.  Scott suggested adding ½ of the proposed increase that the ECAC was recommending (from $10k to $4,700).  He also proposed cutting the ECAC proposed increase for the Chief as well.  Muriel tentatively agreed with these suggestions.  This is still up for discussion.
h.  Chief Backhaus will be asked to come in next week to justify his $5k increase to Police Department expenses.  Scott is proposing to make it a $2,000 increase instead.
i.  Cemetery lawn care – of the $23,400 approved for FY13 only $4,400 has been spent.  The Board would like more information on this request from Linda Thorpe and/or the full committee and are suggesting it be lowered to $19,000.
j.  Retiree Health Fund will be level funded.
k.  The budget for the COA was level funded.
l.  It was stressed that the goal here is for the Board and Finance Committee to agree on a budget that the town should accept to keep the town functioning properly.
3.  The minutes from 2.28.13 were approved as amended.
4.  Muriel reminded the Board that we are hosting the MMA legislative breakfast this Friday at 8:30am.
5.  Muriel will follow up with the Town Clerk on any debt exclusions that need to be on the ballot.
6.  Muriel summarized the SBRSD capital budget meeting she attended and asked M. Noe to provide her with a copy of the SBRSD agreement and follow up with Bruce Turner on getting a copy of the statutory formula for determining assessments to the Town.
7.  The Board discussed the ECAC recommendation to add a two tiered health insurance town/employee split.  Any employees hired after March 4, 2013 will come on at an 80/20 split and current employees will be maintained at 90/10.  Approved unanimously.
8.  Due to vacations/time off the warrant will need to be finalized and signed on March 25th.
9.  Scott asked M. Noe to send his gratitude to Maynard for getting the flagpole repaired.
10.  Wayne recused himself from the discussions on the 2 requests for one day special event permits for Gould Farm/Roadside.  Both event permits were approved.
11.  Dan asked the Board for follow-up on the documents he provided to the Board regarding Lake Buel, he also requested that the Board read the New Marlborough paper and the incorrect and defamatory comments made.  The Board was not interested in the “he said/she said” going on and has passed along the documents provided by the Lake Buel Prudential Committee to those involved in the previous discussions.  Wayne is also following up on options that may be available that were provided by Susan Gallant.  The Board instructed M. Noe to make copies of the information that was provided by him to Representative Pignatelli and Senator Downing and ask them to follow up on this issue.
12.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Invitation to the selectmen’s association dinner – Muriel and Wayne will be attending.
b.  M. Noe provided a copy of the last 2 auditor’s recommendations regarding funding our retiree health insurance fund.
c.  Renewal of permission to operate permit from DEP for the Transfer Station.
13.  Warrants were signed.
14.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 12noon

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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